Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Hello readers! I have an announcement to make and that is that my blog is moving platforms! I will no longer be using Blogger to publish posts but I will be using Wix from now on. 

My reason for moving platforms is that I find Wix a lot more easier to design and format the webpages and the site, and for someone who isn't huge on working out what HTML codes are what, Wix is a lot easier for me and I find that my pages will look a lot more fun and interactive through this platform.

All my old posts will stay on on this webpage at Blogger until I decide to take this site down, it maybe four days from now, could be four months but it all depends on how I adapt to Wix quite honestly. As I say, my old posts will be still accessible on here but my last post, "How To Survive a Breakup in 6 Steps", is over on my Wix page (it is slightly different in the images and gifs but that content is the exact same) and my newest post, published today, "Home Decor Haul" is on that site too. 

You can find my new site at

(I know the URL is a tad long, especially as this site's URL is relatively more memorable but I hope to gain a domain name to use by the end of the summer)

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